This Site is Purposed to Prompt with kindness the Private Sector Side of the Federal Reserve Bank To Be Fair in the Use of Monetary Policy Powers.  The FED is Unfair in its Program for Those Without Financial Assets who also have Little Support from Strong Emotional and Ethical Assets, Attributes and Positive Expectations. 

This is Distinctly Different from Those Who Own Financial Assets. 

The Email March on the FED is detailed by the content on this website.  You join the Email March by joining this site. You inform yourself by understanding and contacting us about the email letters and this site. This service is for sale to effective citizens and we pay you to comment and improve on the letters and the content as the site moves in kindness to prompt the private sector FED to influence the at risk citizens with effective fair action. The 1977 Community Reinvestment Act is not first things first action. The emails here can be downloaded for your needs. They are also the numbered tabs on the left index

The Email March on the Influencers of Kindness messaging to all age 0-6 children is detailed by pages A-F located at the bottom of the left column. You join the Email March to create this kindness influence. See the membership page to get started.  You inform yourself by understanding and contacting us about the Kindness influence. This service is for sale to effective citizens and we pay you to comment and improve on the letters and the content as the site moves with kindness to prompt the private sector influencers. Six letters to encourage influencers to be sent by effective citizens are presented.  They are encouraging the use of the truth reflected in the right column.  See the membership page to get started.



Projected Balance Sheet of a RRFC Waiting for the FED to Cover the Cost of Equal Opportunity Already Paid for in the County

We have sent this to reach the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank and the FOMC; and the Chairman of the Community Advisory Committee charged with providing feedback regarding the Community Reinvestment Act.

As an example to work with - assuming that 10,000 children (100% of the county) enter first grade each year.  The PVofPE-Prek costs $12,000 per year for three years with the last year being Capstone Kindergarten.  Total cost is $36,000.  The objective of the three years is to maximize the brain synaptic closings within all the child to stop the loss of learning during the sensitive period to learn language, math, and positive expectations (order).

  • The PVofPE-Prek That is PUT by the individual investor to the RRFC is ultimately PUT by the RRFC to the FED with a 50% markup.
  • Each Year the FED does not accept the PUT there is a 25% penalty charged to cover the risk.  The RRFC equity holders accept that the FED will not be easily convinced to pay for High-Quality Full Employment’s Early Freedom and Equality on Main Street USA with its unique private sector monetary policy power.
  • Best Case is it takes 5-years for a county level RRFC to email march on the FED and successfully PUT the value of the PVofPE-Prek to the FED with each child maintaining a spot in the block chain making up the USAVALUES Debit Bond.
  • Worst Case it takes 15 years.  Ultimately this is a no choice decision.

Who is the private sector equity investor at the county level RRFC?

Who is the debt investor at the county level RRFC?

Understand the county, city, township savings are going to show up directly right away when the private sector investors pays for prek and kindergarten in the local community.  Parents will have cash savings because they accept the private sector gift to create high quality early education outcomes over 3 years (ERSD-RA) versus 2 years in Pre-k and 1 year in public or private kindergarten. 

The children within government programs (school and other) will flow into this highest quality effort and outcomes, changing everything over night over a period of the first 3 years and continuing.  Positive expectations include the starting messages of the Cardinal Virtues at age 3-6.

Speaking to the county and cities that are out of money everyone understands the pain this pivot will create, but there is no choice.  First the community (county) must find the Individual (IC) investors for the family and preschool level operations. The gifting must flow from the private sector.  This could be a wealthy rainmaker because the money just keeps turning over.  The money is there for the gift and must be drawn into the community from Americans who have the money to invest and start the gift giving from their routine investing because of the guarantee provided by the RRFC PUT.  And, the fact is the gifting of a hand-up is the right thing to do to create equality and equal opportunity.


Second the RRFC must be created to absorb the PUT from the IC Investor.  The IC investment must be risk free, but the RRFC is not.  Equity investment in the RRFC will return a profit much like a turnaround has ROI from restoring market values to understated assets.  Easy or hard there is no other way to provide equal per child private sector positive expectations to urban and atrisk local areas from what is first-things-first early education.  See results from Harris Rosen’s Tangelo Park private sector effort. Google it.

In my opinion there is no way the FED is going to say yes to covering this PUT until 10-20 counties prove that the private sector can completely take over the public sector Pre-K and Kindergarten efforts.  The private sector will need to spend the money and then recover it after success, putting the money on the table for early freedom and equality in kindness, starting with all the 3-year old children.  Money on the table to make the gift real to real people with better and best outcomes that significantly impact the child’s life along with government and personal spending.


This will trigger the use of FED Monetary Policy Money in the recovery of the private sector by creating Early High-Quality Full Employment and Education.  The PUT to the FED at cost plus 50% sets up the gift to the US Treasury at Market value of say $600,000 to $750,000 per child.  With cost plus being $54,000 this cost to market adjustment is pure private sector reduction of the federal deficit based on real monied action and is only possible because of the FED’s power as the private sector’s banker.  Better than taxes because the upside is unknown.  The private sector decides if the PVofPE-Prek has a market value, in its opinion.  The US Treasury uses the confidence of the private sector to support the currency in use and that would not change but would be enhanced.

Please, Almighty Father show us several clear and simple start-ups in a local county of 10,000 or less children per year starting first grade.  All age 3-6 children are included.  Please show us a simple path for the first 5-years.  I ask in Christ Jesus name for the power of the Holy Spirit for understanding and simplicity of the gift given to tie into the speculation of holding the value of the gift until redeemed via a PUT to the FED. 

The RRFC is to be funded by a 2:1 debt to equity stream of investment.  It needs to start at 2:1 until it is not required.  The balance sheet projected will be used to size the 2:1 funding without showing the project investments where the debt is self-liquidating over 10-15 years.

Repeating, to be clear the private sector will need to fund the gift from free cash savings turned into an asset of value in the opinion of the private sector RRFC and IC.  The gift is given twice because first the parents must engage and receive it and pay interest on it. Second the private sector RRFC must pay for it by accepting the PUT in the stream of holding it as a valuable created asset covering the child’s ERSD-RA and PVofPE-Prek until the FED pays for it as Monetary Policy of High-Quality Full Employment.  At this point the PVofPE-Prek is recorded as an asset on the books of the FED until it is given to the US Treasury at Market Value.

Large public monies are being replaced by private sector monies directly supported by the long-standing positive expectation and soft asset creation from the Cardinal Virtues being part of Capstone Kindergarten.  These virtues empathy, helpfulness, fairness, tolerance, caring, courage, humor, respect, persistence, loyalty, courtesy, patience, resourcefulness, peacemaking, self-reliance, self-motivation, responsibility, honesty, trustworthiness, work, self-discipline and cooperation become expected from age 3-6 education.  The schools will return to tough love and discipline supported by all the parents (100%) understanding of what is at risk regarding the best of success.  Added to the virtues are really ready to read, count and understand positive expectations starting first grade from best quality preschool and kindergarten.  Best outcomes are then leveraged to further best outcomes by public/private 1st -10 education and the RRFC operation of privatization.

Further Introduction to County Focus and Leverage. 

This is about the privatization of age 0-6 education on the basis of best outcomes and freedom we expect.  This is required of the private sector to expect equal highest-quality outcomes for age 0-6 children going into first grade public or private school.  THERE IS NO OTHER WAY to a real positive expectation.

The privatization of the county age 0-6 child education requires subtle leadership work on the attitude of the rank/file citizen.  Citizens will not see the path to better and best outcomes without the messaging of the “Best of Success”.  This is Character-Values-Virtues messaging monitored on an input side by the county to generate an outcome.  Outcomes that can be measured.  As an example Washington County MN measures library branch and digital visits as inputs and measures jail bed days saved through a sentence to service outcome expected. 

The senders of the message give a gift of kindness, started by Christians, to those who are civil.  Messaging expands to include those who are civil and expect that 80% of the citizens will want to be civil, supported by, at most, half being Christian.   You can find the messages to be used in kindness at  using the right column on the home page covering age 3-6; for age 6-9 and 9-12 you can find links to values, messages and stories from the left column.  Adult messaging to age 3-12 will prepare and drive the community citizenship to privatization and cost savings as the outcome.  Soft assets and attributes created are noted to be owned by the family/child and the need for privatization is the subject of the Tragedy of the Commons available via Google.

Dakota County   Taxing Levy Amounts in Dakota County, per Dakota County Invoice.   County, City, Township, School District Spending of Tax Base Dollars EXCLUDING STATE AND FEDERAL RECEIPTS      

                               2024 Actual                                   2025 Proposed                                                in Million Dollars                           in Million Dollars           Dakota County                   152.5                                 167.6                           Apple V                                 34.7                                   39.5                               Burnsville                              49.6                                   52.9                         Coates                                      .1                                       .1                         Eagan                                   48.8                                   52.9                         Empire                                    1.5                                     1.6                       Farmington                            16.1                                   17.2                       Hampton                                  0.3                                     0.3                   Hastings                                 18.6                                   20.1                         Inver                                       32.8                                   34.3                   Lakeville                                 43.6                                   48.9                   Lilydale                                     0.6                                     0.7                   Mendota                                   0.2                                     0.2                             

 Mend H                                   12.9                                   13.7                   Miesville                                   0.1                                     0.1                           

 New Trier                                 0.1                                     0.1                   Northville                                14.6                                   17.1                   Randolph                                 0.2                                     0.2                 Rosemount                            16.5                                   18.3                             SSP                                       15.8                                    17.3                   Sunfish                                    0.8                                      0.7                     Vermillion                                 0.2                                      0.2                             WSP                                       20.9      481.5                     22.4    526.4               SD006                                    14.9                                    15.3                   SD191                                    51.0      Children                 48.8                   SD192                                    33.0      Estimated              32.8                   SD194                                    78.3  Public and Private     78.0                           SD195                                      1.9     First Grade               1.8                           SD196                                  156.9        8500                  156.0                   SD197                                    35.8                                    39.8                   SD199                                    15.8                                    17.1                   SD200                                    21.1                                    21.0                   SD252                                      5.0                                      5.3                   SD659                                    21.9     435.6                      21.9    437.8  

Total                                       917.1     917.1                    964.2    964.2   Projection over 10 years         9171      85000                   9642                  Dollars                   $9,171,000,000                   $9,642,000,000                          Per Child                                            $36,000                                                  Projection over 10 years        $3,060,000,000

Cost of Highest Quality PVofPE-Pre-K inserted into the county by the Private Sector Investment Community on the investment basis of 10% Interest Income Return and Guaranteed Repayment Contract over 10 years and 85,000 children starting first grade. $3,060,000,000.  The investor PUTS this individual cost after 3 years to the RRFC and repeats the investment. The PUT is sourced from the private sector RRFC that also funds the county restructure with long term work on the local ROI from BEST QUALITY ERSD-RA, PVofPE-PREK, HIGHEST-QUALITY K-12 EDUCATION and HIGHEST-QUALITY FULL EMPLOYMENT.                                                

The expectation is the 3.1 billion dollars will payback better than dollar for dollar as reduced spending at the county level over the life of the child's next 15 years starting at age 7 and going to age 22.  THERE IS VERY LITTLE RISK to the ROI.                                                                                                   

This payback is expected tax reduction at the county, state and Federal level, plus more, as follows:

#1   1/3rd is paid back to parents who no longer have age 4, 5 and kindergarten private school expenses because they are paid for by the investor funds of $36,000 per child.  This money is freed up for savings or economics going forward.  The leadership of the private sector prek industry is rewarded for a 100% High-Quality in the county focus. These parents are on board with the idea and are targeted to influence the FED to do this plan using applied kindness within the community.  $1,008,000,000 (85,000-57,000 is 28,000 children times $36,000 is 1,008,000,000).

#2   State and county expenditures on Pre-k and Kindergarten will be eliminated as all programs are taken "private sector" so they can be rated by first grade teachers as good-better-best or eliminated/replaced.  Estimated spending on Preschool and Kindergarten is every bit of $20,000 per non-private school child over the 2-years prior to kindergarten.                                                                                                                            

  • 85,000 children reduced to public sector's 2/3rds is 57,000 children at $20,000  (2 years of Prek on average) $1,139,000,000                                   
  • 85,000 children no longer paid for by kindergarten programs at $12,000 per child  $684,000,000                                    

Total public sector savings, before the impact on the K-12 system and the local community of being really ready to read, count and understand positive expectations going into first grade.  This 10-year number in the calculation assumes full implementation.   $1,823,000,000


#3      However the RRFC ends up with the $36,000 per child investment on its books to be recovered from the FED but until that source is created the RRFC carries the cost of the PUT from investors.  The RRFC will desire and work for the PUT to the FED for gift giving to the US Treasury at $54,000 to include aggregation services plus cost.                                                                                                                                       

  • K-12 school systems will become 1st grade to 10th grade because of the expectations from being really ready at the start and the accounting for measurements of parents and children attitudes for a positive expectations being at good, better or best level.                                                                                                                                           
  • The K savings are accounted for above, with some of the savings being pocketed directly by parents and other parents being provided an outcome of being equally ready for opportunity at better and best levels.                                                                                                                        
  • The 2-year of system savings are additional and will be achieved by the working of the RRFC in the community.  The amounts are substantial. 
  • The K-12 systems have a cost of 437 million dollars per year per the above school districts plus a double to 900 million dollars per year to include the state portion plus 10% for the federal portion, to total $990,000 million dollars per year for 13-years of system effort.                    
  1. 3-years of savings will be executed.  The K year was covered above.  The other 2 years are worth 990 million dollars times 2/13rds for 10 years.  1,520,000,000.  The savings for 2- years eliminated from the K-12 system is $1,520,000,000 when 10 years is the accounting period.
  2. These savings also flow to the RRFC debt funding so they are sure to happen district by district and are paid back to the district over 10 years or less.                                                                                 

The character and virtues of the people will save public money in the community besides and on top of this savings. Every cost generator will show savings from the attorney’s office to the sheriff’s office and between.  That money saved includes the state and federal funding that may not get recovered in the county.                                   

The challenge of the RRFC is to sort the 9.171 billion dollars in spending down to segmented expected outcomes of worst, bad, good, better and best.  Leave the tax spending on what is not subject to better and best expectations on the side and define it as spending on the common good. The spending for what has better and best goals should be invested in and put back into the private sector and subjected to quality improvement basics of continuous improvement via the theory of constraints and the cost of quality when exceptions are avoided (expect zero exceptions) to be removed from future costs.  Such thinking requires a private sector attitude.

The private sector RRFC is funded at 2 to 1 debt to equity.  This might represent overfunding so 10-year paybacks can be returned faster to the county or less debt money is raised.  The early equity funding of the RRFC (a private company) must be $36,000 per child to cover the PUT from the individual private investor and this money is at risk.  This equity is the cash to create the aggregation of PVofPE-Prek cost so it can be purchased by the FED to make a gift to the US Treasury at market value, not cost.               THE FED’S PRIVATE SECTOR SIDE IS THE ONLY PRIVATE SECTOR COMPANY IN THE WORLD WHO CAN PERFORM THIS FUNCTION OF MONETARY POLICY IN THE PROCESS OF HIGH-QUALITY FULL EMPLOYMENT.                                                                                                                                         

Summary and Conclusion                                                                                                                                                                                          

The investors $36,000 per child positions equality and freedom per child on a transaction basis in the private sector.  It also restarts the education process in the private sector for all age 0-6 children.  All outcomes prior to 1st grade will reside in the private sector, if they are not good, better or best the organizations will go out of business and the client will find a new provider.  This action and attitude is first-things-first to the “Best of Success”.  The RRFC uses that transaction as the base to drive substantial savings in the school systems and the community.                                                                                             

After recovering the obvious savings for 100% readiness starting first grade the RRFC is positioned to examine and drive every outcome that could be judged worst, bad, good, better and best back into the private sector for continuous improvement high-quality management on the basis of cost of quality and first-things-first, right-the-first-time management.                                                        

The total funding of the RRFC is somewhat of an open book.  The ownership of the RRFC is private sector.  Funding must cover the $36,000 per child (3 years of early education) until that investment can be PUT to the FED for $54,000.  There is risk that the FED will not accept the put without a massive email march on the FED by the private sector citizen (PCS).  The PSC interested in this is created county by county in the process.                                                                                                  

The function of aggregating the PVofPE-Prek for the FED is only half of the county restructuring with the other half capitalizing on the maximization of early knowledge per child that drives equal outcomes and freedoms.  Early Brain Science dictates the start at age 0-6.  This is the sensitive period to learn language, math, positive expectations defined as order.  Best outcomes are impossible without an early start f0r each and every child.  The early start creates Brain Gold in the community and the entire restructure depends on creating more and best brain synaptic closings in all children (individual and group networked knowledge without blanks) that does not exist today.  The all-children scope should exist if equal opportunity is going to be more than a catch phrase.  Equal opportunity now undefined would actually be defined as network knowledge in a single brain for expected early order and executive function for a lifetime.        

The prior letter’s 15-page PDF should be of interest, if you take the time to be honest with it. Nothing matters if you are not basically honest about it. 

Cheers. Hope to hear from you. It would be respectful to know the letter emails are reaching the intended leadership.


Thomas D. Wolfgram  612-968-1579

Copyright © 2025 By Thomas D. Wolfgram

Footing for this effort

See The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity, written by Mathew Kelly in 2018 where he shares and defines a Holy Moment on earth that can be delivered by everyone on earth. The ASK above is a 100% top to bottom change to the real life of mom and age 0-6 child. Selflessness and grace will be filled with humility, cooperation, discipline and other fruit of the spirit (page 58) if the reading of the book and adoption of its simplicity becomes real.

I pray to God that the email marches sent to the Federal Reserve Bank (FED) are viewed as a private individual’s good deed representing his or hers’ “Holy Moment”. A free speech acting with the belief that only our Christian God has the power to generate the intended outcome of equal opportunity based on the individual’s desired intention to influence first things first growth education, economics, emotions and ethic. Our private sector can still deliver Holy Moments, and delivery is the most basic happiness an individual can have because selflessness generates self-esteem and confidence. Sending of this email letter will astound the nation but will also increase the fruit of selfless attention to those around us (page 68). Page 69 ties the whole concept to Mother Teresa and our secular message. Page 79 assures us that this differential will change everything about the future of the nation.


Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please complete the challenge that you see below.


USA Positive Expectations are detailed though-out this site in the right columns.  

Values, assets, attributes, messages and stories all run together creating civility in a spectrum of absolutes on the right and less absolute (relative) ranging in degree to the left. 

What messages supported by stories do we want to send our age 0-6 children?

I am suggesting, just to start the concept, that grace and curtesy before Justice be a default and at least these messages be sent. 

If these KINDNESS MESSAGES are sent the message of Justice will logically follow with appropriate understanding and  foundation.     

Be Helping

Be Sharing

Be Playing

Be Listening

Be Smiling

Say I'm Sorry

Say Please

Be Thinking

Be Right and Truthful

Be Fair

Be Happy

Be Smart

Help Yourself

Be Growing

Say Excuse Me

Be Excited

Take Turns

Be Humble

Say Thank you

Be Working

Be Polite

Age appropriate civility is important; Equal starts to kindergarten with ready to read and count skill sets are important.  

Assets, Attributes, Positive Expectations 





































More From USA VALUES, Meanings are brought out within the email letters to the FED.  See # posts at the left. 

Start with End in Mind

First-Things-First (FTF)


Present Value of Positive Expectation from Pre-k (PVofPE-Prek)


Early Reading Skills Delivered for Ringing Advantage (High-Quality ERSD-RA)

First Things First Right the First Time (FTFRTFT)

10 Values before 3rd Grade











4 More Values After 3rd Grade





For Those who wish for an Old Testament Biblical Basis 

Reverence for the Lord as the One and Only

Reverence for the Family

Reverence for Life

Reverence for Private Property

Personal Responsibility

Prohibition of Envy

Do not Lie

Do not Steal