This Site is Purposed to Prompt with kindness the Private Sector Side of the Federal Reserve Bank To Be Fair in the Use of Monetary Policy Powers.  The FED is Unfair in its Program for Those Without Financial Assets who also have Little Support from Strong Emotional and Ethical Assets, Attributes and Positive Expectations. 

This is Distinctly Different from Those Who Own Financial Assets. 

The Email March on the FED is detailed by the content on this website.  You join the Email March by joining this site. You inform yourself by understanding and contacting us about the email letters and this site. This service is for sale to effective citizens and we pay you to comment and improve on the letters and the content as the site moves in kindness to prompt the private sector FED to influence the at risk citizens with effective fair action. The 1977 Community Reinvestment Act is not first things first action. The emails here can be downloaded for your needs. They are also the numbered tabs on the left index

The Email March on the Influencers of Kindness messaging to all age 0-6 children is detailed by pages A-F located at the bottom of the left column. You join the Email March to create this kindness influence. See the membership page to get started.  You inform yourself by understanding and contacting us about the Kindness influence. This service is for sale to effective citizens and we pay you to comment and improve on the letters and the content as the site moves with kindness to prompt the private sector influencers. Six letters to encourage influencers to be sent by effective citizens are presented.  They are encouraging the use of the truth reflected in the right column.  See the membership page to get started.

Update For All and Getting To The Void Created by The Federal Reserve Bank- FED

Reminder, please white list my email to avoid your email filters. 

Your membership in is covered. 

You would not have joined if you did not care.  You have all the rights of somebody who pays for our service that helps you send email letters to the FED.  You hopefully have read a few of our letters to the FED on the website or in the PDF referred to in the 2nd paragraph. We would like to help you do this routinely, but it is free to just copy/past into your email, edit and send. 

Copy your work to so your work gets into the counts.  Your courage will be acknowledged.

It is a huge bite to think the FED is giving the effects of monetary policy in time of crisis so unfairly within the private sector, but it simply is so.  Google this example-- Interest on Excess Reserves as you question this.  20-40 billion dollars annually is paid to the 25 primary banks since 2008. Payments will really grow now due to the pandemic.  In comparison the public sector federal government spends 8-9 billion dollars a year on Head Start and states add to that, so we are talking about a lot of money and 40 billion dollars is just the tip of the unfairness. 

Excess reserves hit a record $2.7 trillion in August 2014 due to the quantitative easing approved solely by the FED, without congress approval. Central banking in the USA is contracted with the federal government around several critical mandates.  Between January 2019 and March 2020, excess reserves ranged between $1.4 and $1.6 Trillion. After March 11, 2020, the excess reserves skyrocketed to reach $3.2 trillion by May 20, 2020. This was due to the COVID-19 pandemic period and is greatly increasing from that point. 


Interest on excess reserves records directly to equity on the books of the 25 primary banks. Strengthening them with private sector risk reduction.  A bailout still ongoing after 10-12 years.  My point is not to criticize, but to leverage the gifting because during this time inequality and risk grew within more than 50% of the population and mother, with increasing moral hazard, took on more and more risk by just living her life subject to the government.  A life that turned into less and less opportunity for Growth Education, Economics, Emotions and Ethics no matter what the government does because public education’s failure has consequence.  Frustrations with inequality are spilling over with even more risk to property and lives.

Our whole site is about fixing this by doing first things first in a way that in 2-3 year each mother and age 6 child’s private sector outcomes will feed continuous improvement for the next 20-40 years, and beyond.  It will solve other main street problems in the process.  The fix will change everything during the ages of 0-6.

Why would I expect you go ankle deep in this reverse promotion?  Individually many locations communicating with one set of 19 leaders.  Call it an email protest and ankle deep is all it will take.  The FED has all the money needed.  The private sector can gear to deliver Best outcomes one-size-fits-one relatively overnight.  K-8 education will change from the outside going around the present systemic structures.  Think of yourself with unlimited water clarifier pouring it into the mighty Mississippi from Grand Rapids in Minnesota; clear water that overpowers the murky water and visually identifies the sources of the muck in the process.  Literacy is Freedom, as the foundation of High-Quality Early Education, as the source of future equality, as the source of real educated equal opportunity.  This is not a racism discussion. 

You personally must do something about inequality in a private sector way, so you must do something about High-Quality based on choices or just be a … and talker.  The $150 it takes to send 13 protest email letters over the course of a year is light against the politicians and thinktank programs to include you in the supporting public sector process that is the early source of inequality.   

The FED Letters PDF linked to the 2nd paragraph of the site makes up a starting draft for what you might want to say.  Everything on the site and within the PDF starts with first things first; but if you read the PDF you get an adequate picture of the end in mind based on first things first.  Spend time on the site, use it to provide feedback and ask questions. 

These subscriber letters are not time sensitive and archived for you. 

Please read them to mount pressure on the FED.  The FED know inequality is a mess, they have a map to it by zip code. The interest on excess reserves is just the surface. 

Understand the FED as a private sector company is about monetary policy that the government’s 4-6 branches could not effectively operate for the total.  In that light, the FED fills a void being the private sector’s investment bank.  They explain what they are doing “clearly” all the time.  Most of it I do not understand but the WE THE PEOPLE see the disparities and lack of simplicity.  If the disparities disappeared would the private sector be in better or worse shape?  Are you counting on the governments?

Please consider joining the email march.

Protest the FED'S unfairness.

Follow this page.

You will need a PayPal account to be a member. 

This is the Moneyagogo   


Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please complete the challenge that you see below.


USA Positive Expectations are detailed though-out this site in the right columns.  

Values, assets, attributes, messages and stories all run together creating civility in a spectrum of absolutes on the right and less absolute (relative) ranging in degree to the left. 

What messages supported by stories do we want to send our age 0-6 children?

I am suggesting, just to start the concept, that grace and curtesy before Justice be a default and at least these messages be sent. 

If these KINDNESS MESSAGES are sent the message of Justice will logically follow with appropriate understanding and  foundation.     

Be Helping

Be Sharing

Be Playing

Be Listening

Be Smiling

Say I'm Sorry

Say Please

Be Thinking

Be Right and Truthful

Be Fair

Be Happy

Be Smart

Help Yourself

Be Growing

Say Excuse Me

Be Excited

Take Turns

Be Humble

Say Thank you

Be Working

Be Polite

Age appropriate civility is important; Equal starts to kindergarten with ready to read and count skill sets are important.  

Assets, Attributes, Positive Expectations 





































More From USA VALUES, Meanings are brought out within the email letters to the FED.  See # posts at the left. 

Start with End in Mind

First-Things-First (FTF)


Present Value of Positive Expectation from Pre-k (PVofPE-Prek)


Early Reading Skills Delivered for Ringing Advantage (High-Quality ERSD-RA)

First Things First Right the First Time (FTFRTFT)

10 Values before 3rd Grade











4 More Values After 3rd Grade





For Those who wish for an Old Testament Biblical Basis 

Reverence for the Lord as the One and Only

Reverence for the Family

Reverence for Life

Reverence for Private Property

Personal Responsibility

Prohibition of Envy

Do not Lie

Do not Steal